Monday, March 2, 2009

encaustic class

sometimes the best laid plans just don't work out as expected
today's class was a long trial of my patience
i knew exactly what i wanted to do
i even dreamt about it
i could see it in my head but it just didn't want
to translate onto the wax
i think i will try this again next class
or wait until the right element fits
or should i just walk away?
or leave it as is?
the one good thing about wax is the you can always
scrape it off and start all over again!


  1. I like it. There's texture, but not too much and not too little.

    But I'm no artist. So don't take me too seriously.

  2. I like it too, though I don't know anything about encaustic stuff, and it *is* your art, so *you* need to be happy with it.

    I do, however, like when things go wrong/different from planned and you find some new and exciting thing to play around with and get distracted by. Maybe try to figure out what appeals/doesn't appeal about how it is now and then go from there.

  3. love it nancy!!
    the images are wonderful-simple and clean as is the color and embelishments
    wish i had somewhere to learn this around here :)
    enjoy your day
    and please keep sharing your art
    enjoy your day
    tabby :)

  4. I like this even though I have no idea what I should be looking for. I see bumps and bubbles that I am sure are the wax and I think it gives it surface texture. I like the colors too. I would love to touch it.

  5. Go with your gut,,if you like it then leave it. As you say, you can always come back and scrape it all off!

  6. I don't know what you wanted this to be, but I like what you have done.



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