Tuesday, March 3, 2009

full moon

i just had to take this challenge
i'm so ruled by the moon
it's a great source of creatively for me when it is full
the photo was taken last fall during the harvest moon
through the trees just outside my front door
a few weeks ago i was bored and
made some simple paper backgrounds
i added some gesso on to to diffuse the text
a blue wash of paint
then added the "paper moon"
and transfered a copy of the photo with gel medium
i'd like to try this in my encaustic class
maybe next week!


  1. Oh wow, this is really lovely. I like the background, it's as if the many prayers and songs being sent out into the universe are lingering by the light of the moon. Beautiful!

  2. This is so beautiful. Love, love, love the textures:-)

  3. This is really neat. I like the textures and the colors a lot.

  4. Your paper moon is evocative on many levels and is a great image.


  5. Hi Nancy, I just wanted to let you know that I've included you in a blog post today about some artists who are currently inspiring me - you're one of them!

  6. Fantastic piece Nancy. When I think of the moon, I always include trees so this looked so marvellous and evocative to me.

  7. So beautiful! I clearly remember seeing that last harvest moon and it stopped me dead in my tracks. Thre is just something so luring and mysterious about that moon. Love it!

  8. I'm a child of the moon also. This is quite beautiful!!!

  9. A fellow moon child! I love this piece, well done!

  10. what a gorgeous piece, very impressive

  11. I'm taken by how you applied the photo onto the top of the background...hummm a morning mystery for me to ponder while I drink my coffee!


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