Monday, March 9, 2009

encaustic class

today's class was very mellow and quite
i want to make a gift for a friend
she loves trees and this shot
was taken not to far from her house
i used a the same style as one of my
i thought it would be very simple
using the same colour palette and technique
i think i was trying to hard
and it took a lot longer than expected

i also finished this one
it's hard to see but the background is
old german text book pages
the gate was taken in montreal
i used the shellac and blow torch
technique at the end
i really just want to see if the blow torch
would interfere with the transfer
it started to melt in places but
it think it gives it a little charm


  1. really beautiful...both of them. the gate is so vintage looking.. . i love that! it's frustrating when you feel like your trying too hard... i get that same feeling when I find myself overworking a project...

  2. so pretty! I think they are great!

  3. I always love your work. You'll laugh at this one. One of my readers saw my bracelet and offered me a job. I'd like to put her on to you, it's during march break.

  4. Nancy, both of these pieces are wonderful. I'm partial to the trees myself and I know your friend will love it. The making of encaustic art sounds so complicated but the end result is so pleasing. I love the textures.

  5. I like both of these. You really are making incredibly beautiful pieces in this class.


  6. Love the light in the first, and using the gate was a really neat idea.

  7. These both came out really beautifully! I particularly like the distressed quality of the second one!


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