Sunday, January 25, 2009

tomorrows class

last week was my first day back to school
i'm taking the same encaustic class as last year
12 weeks, three hour classes
i just felt i need more time with the medium before
moving on to something else
that's what i usually do
i have to know how something is done
but the more i researched the more i realize
i've just touched the surface of what can be done with wax
looking through my "texture" file
gave me some great ideas for
some experiments in class tomorrow
not sure how it will work out but i'd like to try
the one above is from a picture of a metal door
i found on queen st. west
played a little in ps
and added one of my photos on top
i have three projects to finish from last week
so i hoping to at least start working on this
i'll let you know tomorrow what i've done


  1. This sounds like a great class I can't wait to see how your work progresses. The photo is awesome.

  2. I love this and I really enjoyed what you posted from your last class. I look forward to seeing what you do with this class.


  3. looking forward to vicarious encauticisty! have fun!



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