Friday, January 23, 2009

another day

one goal i set for 2009
was to spend more time on the computer
since the start of owoh
i've done just that
hours spent looking at so many wonderful blogs
getting lost in "links"
learning about so many people, foreign lands,
seeing some fabulous art, discovering new things,
new music and lots and lots of widgets!
i hope i have a chance to get to all the participants
above is another project in ps
the background is a picture of my hot plate
that i use in my encaustic class
i enhanced the b/c and warped it alittle
i thought it make a cool sky
so i added my beach trees on top
tried a million things to it but liked it just this simple


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I love it! Its so beautiful!
    I know what you mean about hours in blog land....I can't get away from it....I just keep coming back to see what else I can find!!!

  2. I love your artwork - I use PSP and have done some similar things - taking simple backgrounds and adding something on top.

  3. Your PS work is always so inspiring Nancy. To me, it's like looking at super-nature.


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