Monday, January 26, 2009

encaustic class

i worked on several projects today
trying to learn some patience!
above is a background done mostly by
my teacher mona, as a demo
showing me how to create a multi colored
textured background using hot and cold wax
i will try to add a photo transfer to this one
we're not sure if it will work out
due to the chemicals in the cold wax
but that's what the class is for

another one of my projects
not sure if it is done
but don't know what it needs?
the background is a map then
a photo transfer and some black wax
to fill in the rest
i'll work on it some more
when i find out what it's missing


  1. evolution: learning process of
    the human brain___from simple
    to complex.

  2. As I was looking at the one with the map and black wax I was wondering if you can imbed beads, stones, stips of fabric or something else? Very cool technique.

  3. To me the top one looks like an indian dance. the second reminded me of travel or a river flowing against the norm. I like them both. I love words and for me what would be missing is words.

  4. unfortunately patience is one of those things that takes patience to learn.

    However it sounds like you are enjoying the opportunity to explore this mediume some more.

  5. Gorgeous results Nancy. I wonder if you could try using matte medium on plastic, transfer the photo and then peel it off?

  6. thanks everyone, now my head is spinning with ideas, i'll see what i can do next leek and let you know what i've done, nancy

  7. Love the black and white dimension of the second one!


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