Wednesday, January 28, 2009

finding my muse

i need to find my creative muse, agnes
she usually shows up around the full moon
but i can't wait that long
i need to make 150 cards to send out
to my owoh blogger friends
the gypsy caravan list is up over 680
i wish i could make that many cards
i've spent a lot of time
surfing through all their blogs
and now need to quite my mind, find agnes
and get to work on some cards
i'm glad its snowing
now i have no excuses
above is a photo that
takes me to a peaceful place
it's the lonely cyprus tree
on the number one hwy
just south of carmel, ca


  1. I love that picture. So tranquile and so strong...

  2. I love that picture too... I grew up in Pacific Grove... so we're talking my ol' stompin grounds!

  3. I can't believe there are so many participants in the OWOH! Its so crazy! I am so happy I found it! Thanks for the background site! They have some great stuff!
    a foot of snow today??? No thank you! 60 is cold for me! hehe!

  4. Cypress tree,
    your fragrance
    leaves the sea

  5. I have pictures of that tree, aslo from our trip to Carmel from Monterey on the 17 mile drive. It was such a fabulous drive. The shoreline is stnning. Thanks for the reminder.
    150 cards??? Oh my gosh! How about 1-3 pieces of artwork printed and then glue those babies to the fronts of the cards to save some time? Hopefully your muse comes with lots of inspiration and energy to share!

  6. or maybe....
    Cypress tree,
    Cypress tree
    your fragrance
    leaves the sea
    along with me.

  7. I have just given you the beautiful blog award, next go to my blog for all the info.

  8. thanks everyone for the comments, i found my muse and made 43 cards yesterday, now i'm on a roll!

  9. I love this picture! I've seen that lonely tree many times as I love to visit Carmel.

  10. Congratulations of having this behind you, at least I am guessing it is, because I have one of your lovely cards sitting in my cabin!



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