Wednesday, December 31, 2008

happy new year!

well, it's hard to believe another year is gone
they say time flies as you get older
remember y2k?
it seems like yesterday we thought
the world was going to end
or at least "crash"
and here it is 9 years later
i don't make resolution, just set a few goals
something like
"make time for more art"
which i did this year
part of that was starting this blog
i'm so glad i did
i've "met" some great people and
would like to say thank you
to everyone for visiting me,
encouraging me with all your wonderful comments
and wish everyone a creative 2009

Thursday, December 25, 2008

merrry christmas

may the spirit of christmas bring you peace,
the gladness of christmas give you hope,
the warmth of christmas grant you love

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

the big dig!

christmas waves a magic wand over the world,
and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful
n. peale

i guess we don't have to wish for a white christmas
i just hope it looks this pretty tomorrow

Sunday, December 21, 2008

more snow!

looking out my wind this morning
i decided to stay in bed and read
but eventually we bundled up to clear the driveway
and surprisingly it wasn't that cold
it was nice to see the white blanket
so we decided to go for a walk
the view from the top of my street

Friday, December 19, 2008

snow dayz!!!

what a perfect day to stay in and
work on my crochet project
i've been so busy with work, school and
my wire ornaments that i forgot
that i had yarn waiting to be used
i finally finished my last project
which made my "baby" happy
her name: joey girl
it seems that "this" is her new favorite spot

last years i made 8
perfect for the couch
4' x 6'
the first one took five evenings
watching tv to complete
once i got the pattern down
it was a breeze to finish one is just a few nights
this year i will only get a few done

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

more photoshop

it's amazing how three simple images can be
turned into something really cool
the first is a photo i took at my local park
the second is a ttv image i found on flickr
and the third is an antique postcard
i just layered and played with the
blending modes and filters

i used the color burn blending mode on the top layer

here i applied the "high pass" filter

and here the pin light blending mode

just by a click of a button
you can change the mood
and "undo" anytime you want
i came up with several variations
but like these 3 the best

Monday, December 15, 2008

another day on cold meds
a massage and a nap
(yes leslie, i said nap)
i got inspired after reading maries blog
1. i loved the kaleidoscope effect
and manage to come up with the above project
2. her "call for care"
anyone looking to "give" the christmas spirit

Sunday, December 14, 2008

not sure if it's a good thing to be on cold meds while
operating photoshop!
i used my favorite winter photos and tried
on every ttv and background image
it gave me something to do
without having to think too much
i haven't had time to practice in ps for awhile
these are my four favorites
until the drugs where off !

Friday, December 12, 2008

california dreamin'

feeling a bit under the weather
don't know if it's the cold meds but

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

all wired up!

i've always loved working with wire
i can sit all day and bend, twist and shape
which i did this weekend and managed to make
a ton of tree ornaments
my favorite are the little angels
they will make great gifts

Saturday, December 6, 2008

all my friends are artists

today, i got to finish work a little early so i
could attend the jolly christmas sale
some really amazing local artist
some of which i'm lucky to call my friends

seen above, clockwise from the top left
some of my purchases
Marissa Decepida-Wong jewelry journals, cards and art pieces.
Mary Ambrose vintage style jewelry and sculptural art.
Susan WilliamsonArtopia Mixed Media Art.
Karen Arts – gemstone bead and silver
Carmi's button magnets, pins and embellishments.
Sharon Ginsberg Fabric boxes, framed tree ornaments

Friday, December 5, 2008

more christmas cards

after working on jewelry for the past several months
it's a nice change to work with wire again
i like to keep my hands busy
and can do these while watching tv
i'm on a roll now and will make some
wire tree ornaments this weekend

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


only 23 more days 'til christmas
i usually start counting after labour day weekend
it drives everyone crazy
i think i do it "just because"
but this fall has been very hectic and i'm behind
now that it's december it has sunk in
first task
christmas cards
like the one above made from
some leftover armature wire
in the past i've made tree ornaments
and decided that they will make great cards instead
i've also got some great pictures from
last winter, which seemed to last 6 months,
i've used in my new winter banner above and
know they will be great cards too

Monday, December 1, 2008

encaustic class

today was my last encaustic class
it was a mad panic to get everthing done
and of course my head is filled with a hundred ideas
i will take the class again next semister
just so i can experiment some more
and it will be nice to have the same teacher
this photo was taken near lake st. clair
and the texture was added in a grid
and done in a real hurry
i hope i remember how to do this again
i like how it turned out

Thursday, November 27, 2008


six thing you might not know about me?
1. i've had two corrective surgeries on my jaw
2. my natural hair color is auburn
3. i have my degree in interior design
4. i love horror movies
5. i have a crush on the supernatural boys!
(i can't decide who's the cutest, oh..then there's 
the one from smallville, decisions, decisions)
and finally
6.thank god for "spell check" because
i can't even get 5 letter words right

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

photo journal

another great job by catherine
this months theme was
a photobooth layout

Monday, November 24, 2008


(a film by andrew zuckerman)
what does it mean to you?
watch this link
it will make you THINK
thanks to leslie for finding this

Thursday, November 20, 2008

encaustic class

i've been so busy , i forgot about posting
my latest
from my encaustic class
this week , i worked with some
coloured photocopies
adding them first and then working
with layering the wax
i also wanted to practice some texture techniques
i used painters tape to mask out the areas of the pictures
and tried to match up the coloured wax to go with the photo
it was fun and different from my previous work
i'm really enjoying this new medium and
with only 2 more classes left
i'm thinking i will take this class again
next semester
i have a lot more to learn !
the photos were taken in jerome, az

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

a day of sharing words

"we get so caught up in the furry of our lives
that we forget the essential thing about art-
that the act of creating is a healing gesture,
as sacred as prayer,
as essential to the spirit as food is to the body
our creative work reveals us to ourselves,
allows to transform our experience
and imagination into forms that
sing back to us in a language of
symbol of who we are,
what we are becoming,
what we have loved and feared.

this is the alchemy of creation:
that as i attempt to transmute a feeling or a thought
into and artistic form that can be
experienced by another,
i myself am added to,
change in the process."
jan phillips
photos from my weekend trip to owen sound
it was truly a creative time which changed me
thanks to lk ludwig for starting this idea
(see previous post)

Monday, November 17, 2008

lovely idea

i've always thought "if we could all just use our "powers" for good",
this would be a wonderful world
i love the blog world and have found so many sharing, caring,
encouraging, and creative people
i've been hearing about this "idea" lately that
was started by a wonderful artist

A Day of Sharing Words
The idea:
We have words that touch us, move into our hearts and resonate,
creating a feeling, taking us some place- past, present, future-
perhaps some place we have never been and may never go,
but for whatever reasons, the words pulse in our blood.
Meeting new words, new poets, new poems,
new ways for my heart to beat, is an intruiging concept.
Want to go on this adventure with me? It will be easy to travel along.
Many of us already do this sharing; this idea is just to help us
find each other and hear the words we have to share.
The Date:
Wednesday, November 19.
The Plan:
on your blog, post a poem that moves inside you,
touches you, reaches you. (quotes and song lyrics welcome).
Include the author (or composer or musician) and source (book, album)-
perhaps also the amazon link if there is one. no explanation required,
no other revelation necessary.
One last thing- Perhaps add an image. a photo. a video.
a painting.a collage., if you would.
Come here to this post. Add a comment with your link.
I'll create a typepad page with the links,
so others can hear the rhythm of the words,
see the image and share in the experience.
The Request:
If you are intrigued enough, post on your blog about this
Day of Sharing Words- encourage your friends to post.
Who couldn't use a few new poems in their treasury or new songs in their hearts?
it's been a very creative and productive week
this past full moon really "kick started" me
i wish i could bottle it and keep it
for weeks when i can't seem to get started
i'm a really moody artist and thank the stars
that i am a "moonchild" and this one lasts some more
it's only 5 weeks 'til christmas(OMG)
and i need to make a ton of presents!

i've been playing with some of my owen sound
pictures in ps and really like the one above
it was taken on my nature walk
"alongside a field of birch trees ran a stream"
so reflective!

Friday, November 14, 2008

a week of hearts

it's been a whirlwind week
once i got home from my long weekend getaway
i taught a "heart" necklace class
i was lucky to have 3 really wonderful,
talented and patient women,
as my students
we spent the day creating and exchanging ideas
i was so please that they all made
a wonderful necklace to wear home
thanks girls! for making it a wonderful experience

Thursday, November 13, 2008

crashing waves

this past weekend was my

first visit to georgian bay

i really enjoyed the sound of

the waves crashing against the rocks

it soothed my soul

and amoungst the million rocks

i found this one
my favorite shot

back home

what an amazing view
just outside our window where
my friend dede and i sat and created art
all day long for 4 straight days!
dede was a card making machine
171 unique christmas card
while i worked on my jewelry,
got 2/3 through my afghan
and read 350 pages of my vampire book
we laugh and cried
told stories and teased
ate and drank
went for a great nature walk
i managed to take over 600 photos
where you can find just a few on my flickr page
all in all it was a great long weekend
thanks dede for inviting me!
i hope we can do it again soon!

Friday, November 7, 2008

R & R

all packed and off to the cottage
for a little r&r
and creating art
see you next week

Thursday, November 6, 2008

encaustic class

this weeks class was a huge success
i really enjoyed learning textures last week and
couldn't wait to do it again
i had this idea in my head all week
it took me awhile to figure out which three photos to use
this series was taken this summer on my montreal trip
i completely covered the background with some
pages from an old french book
added some coloured wax then the transfers
and then worked on the textured squares
i'm happy with it so far
not sure if it is finished ?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


as i'm raking the few leaves in my backyard
i can't believe it's fall
last week i woke up to see the grass
covered with snow
and today the temperature is 18c
for november that way above average
not that i'm complaining
it's just that i was all ready to say
goodbye to my garden
and now i'm wishing for spring
wouldn't it be nice to just "cut" out winter!
watch the season change from fall to spring!
i guess i have to move further south

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

the sky's the limit

i can't believe this is my 100th blog entry!
when i started this back in april i had no idea
where this would take me
it was just something new i wanted to try
part of my evolution
i've never been one for words and was a little
intimidated and scared
but with the help and encouragement from everyone
i can't imagine not doing this!
the blog world is so amazing
i've been inspired, learned so much and
have "met" the most wonderful people
special thanks to
my friend lennie who got me started
marie my photo shop guru, friend,
cheering section and inspiration

Monday, October 27, 2008

encaustic class

it was a great class today
i really love texture and was amazed on
how much can be done with wax
with just a little practice and patience
i was excited to see how it evolved
i can't wait 'til next class so i can experiment more

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

more resin

" inspire" necklace
this is the last of my bezel necklaces made in class
now i have to go out and get a blow torch and start making more!
i was definitely inspire in the class and influenced by all my
class mates
see some of their work here
this was an amazing group of women to work
with and be inspired by
everyone came with a wealth of
information and ideas
i hope we get together again

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

full moon madness

the past week i've been making tons jewelry and just realized
where all this creative energy has been coming from
the full moon started last tuesday
and since i am a moon child it's no wonder i've
finished over 20 necklaces and
2 encaustic painting
and tonight worked on starting 10 more bracelets
it seems i just can't get enough
you know it's only 10 more weeks 'til christmas
and yes i know i said a "bad" word
but today it snowed!!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

resin heaven!

i'm was happy to see that all my resin pieces this morning!
just a few, every-so-faint air bubbles
for my first time, i think i did pretty good
i work last night making the chain
and hanging embellishments
for the "angel" necklace above
it's one of my favorite photos and enjoyed
creating in a whole new style
i was really inspired by jane and
would definitely take another class with her

Sunday, October 19, 2008

bezel be-dazzled

wow! what a weekend!
many thanks to my friend carmi
for organizing 2 fantastic classes
i must admit, this was the best class i've taken
so much fun and a wealth of information from a
wonderful instructor jane wynn
who had more patience than me and
helped so much with all the delicate work!
thanks jane, you rock!
i will be dreaming of making jewelry
and praying to the resin gods
that the rest of my pieces turn out
they will have to dry over nite
and i will work on adding the finishing touches tomorrow

Friday, October 17, 2008

weekend class

i'm so excited
i just finished packing all my supplies
(way too much)
my friend carmi is hosting
2 days of jewelry making and fun
can't wait to see what creativity we come up with
stay tuned..................

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


i finally got my film developed
i almost forgot what was on the 4 rolls i brought in
i posted some on my toy camera flickr page
i just love the unexpected and can't remember how many times
i exposed the same photo
i must keep better notes or get my film developed faster