Monday, October 20, 2008

resin heaven!

i'm was happy to see that all my resin pieces this morning!
just a few, every-so-faint air bubbles
for my first time, i think i did pretty good
i work last night making the chain
and hanging embellishments
for the "angel" necklace above
it's one of my favorite photos and enjoyed
creating in a whole new style
i was really inspired by jane and
would definitely take another class with her


  1. Nancy! I am so inspired by what you did! great job! I am still working on completing one project from the weekend....slow but steady. Nice to meet you.
    Billi Jo

  2. Great work and love your fall photos.

  3. your resin work turned out beautifully (those resin gods are going to be busy commuting between Toronto and Michigan). I enjoyed visiting your blog.



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