Sunday, October 19, 2008

bezel be-dazzled

wow! what a weekend!
many thanks to my friend carmi
for organizing 2 fantastic classes
i must admit, this was the best class i've taken
so much fun and a wealth of information from a
wonderful instructor jane wynn
who had more patience than me and
helped so much with all the delicate work!
thanks jane, you rock!
i will be dreaming of making jewelry
and praying to the resin gods
that the rest of my pieces turn out
they will have to dry over nite
and i will work on adding the finishing touches tomorrow


  1. Hey Nance, this piece looks GREAT; can't wait to see it! :-)

  2. Wow! This turned out wonderfully! My resin dried just fine with no disasters. whew.
    See you next class! (or before)


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