Tuesday, October 21, 2008

full moon madness

the past week i've been making tons jewelry and just realized
where all this creative energy has been coming from
the full moon started last tuesday
and since i am a moon child it's no wonder i've
finished over 20 necklaces and
2 encaustic painting
and tonight worked on starting 10 more bracelets
it seems i just can't get enough
you know it's only 10 more weeks 'til christmas
and yes i know i said a "bad" word
but today it snowed!!!!!


  1. The new jewelery looks awesome! and by the sounds of it you are well bitten by the soldering bug!

  2. paintings and bracelets and necklaces...oh, my! You have really been busy and what you've posted is lovely. You make me want to get the resin out.



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