Wednesday, October 29, 2008

the sky's the limit

i can't believe this is my 100th blog entry!
when i started this back in april i had no idea
where this would take me
it was just something new i wanted to try
part of my evolution
i've never been one for words and was a little
intimidated and scared
but with the help and encouragement from everyone
i can't imagine not doing this!
the blog world is so amazing
i've been inspired, learned so much and
have "met" the most wonderful people
special thanks to
my friend lennie who got me started
marie my photo shop guru, friend,
cheering section and inspiration

Monday, October 27, 2008

encaustic class

it was a great class today
i really love texture and was amazed on
how much can be done with wax
with just a little practice and patience
i was excited to see how it evolved
i can't wait 'til next class so i can experiment more

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

more resin

" inspire" necklace
this is the last of my bezel necklaces made in class
now i have to go out and get a blow torch and start making more!
i was definitely inspire in the class and influenced by all my
class mates
see some of their work here
this was an amazing group of women to work
with and be inspired by
everyone came with a wealth of
information and ideas
i hope we get together again

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

full moon madness

the past week i've been making tons jewelry and just realized
where all this creative energy has been coming from
the full moon started last tuesday
and since i am a moon child it's no wonder i've
finished over 20 necklaces and
2 encaustic painting
and tonight worked on starting 10 more bracelets
it seems i just can't get enough
you know it's only 10 more weeks 'til christmas
and yes i know i said a "bad" word
but today it snowed!!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

resin heaven!

i'm was happy to see that all my resin pieces this morning!
just a few, every-so-faint air bubbles
for my first time, i think i did pretty good
i work last night making the chain
and hanging embellishments
for the "angel" necklace above
it's one of my favorite photos and enjoyed
creating in a whole new style
i was really inspired by jane and
would definitely take another class with her

Sunday, October 19, 2008

bezel be-dazzled

wow! what a weekend!
many thanks to my friend carmi
for organizing 2 fantastic classes
i must admit, this was the best class i've taken
so much fun and a wealth of information from a
wonderful instructor jane wynn
who had more patience than me and
helped so much with all the delicate work!
thanks jane, you rock!
i will be dreaming of making jewelry
and praying to the resin gods
that the rest of my pieces turn out
they will have to dry over nite
and i will work on adding the finishing touches tomorrow

Friday, October 17, 2008

weekend class

i'm so excited
i just finished packing all my supplies
(way too much)
my friend carmi is hosting
2 days of jewelry making and fun
can't wait to see what creativity we come up with
stay tuned..................

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


i finally got my film developed
i almost forgot what was on the 4 rolls i brought in
i posted some on my toy camera flickr page
i just love the unexpected and can't remember how many times
i exposed the same photo
i must keep better notes or get my film developed faster

Saturday, October 11, 2008

change of season

it was a spectacular fall day
as i was driving along the country side roads
enjoying the wide open spaces
seeing all the beautiful colours
i kept thinking about a poem i read on
"out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field.
i'll meet you there.
when the soul lies down in the grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
ideas, language-even the phrase
"each other"- doesn't make any sense."

i'm still not sure what it means to me
maybe it's connecting with long lost friends
thinking alot about the past
moments of joy and sorrow
and everything in between
no regrets

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


this months theme for my photo journal book is sacred
so many things came to mind and when i found this quote
"your sacred space is where you find yourself again and again"

i knew it was my studio
actually i have spilled out into three other rooms and two closets
i've always said that my art is my therapy
my meditation
i'm so lucky to have the space and time to do what i love

Monday, October 6, 2008

encaustic class

i'm really loving this medium

Thursday, October 2, 2008

the gorey detales

last year i was invited by my friend sylvia luna to be a part of
the gorey detales
inspired by edward gorey's "the gashlycrumb tinies"
26 artist, one for each letter of the alphabet
where given the assignment to create a macabre piece of art
with a character, and a twisted yet humorous rhyme
the collection has been on tour and featured in somerset studio
and will be displayed at the stamp act until halloween
i was given the letter "L"
"Lolita's thirst rose her from the crypt
thoughts of piercing the hemophiliacs lip "
my canvas was made of several layers of
cardboard, old newspaper and book pages
wallpaper, plaster, crackle paste and paint
the photo was found in an old scrap book i bought
at an antique show
i scrapped out a mirror and added the photo from behind
and set the frame into the canvas
i enjoyed working on this project and to be in the company of some excellent artists