Tuesday, January 1, 2013

new beginning

happy new year!!!
wishing everyone a wonderful, exciting and creative new year
i'm not one for resolutions
i like to set goals
this will be the year of selfdiscovery
 who i am as a single person
 my true self
(through education and practice)
health and fitness
and creativity


  1. Happy New Year to you and yours....here is a year filled with creativity and enhanced health and fitness!!

  2. I look forward to your renewed creativity, especially since I loved all your last years creations, enjoy your new journey this year. I'm starting small with my goals, like "finish the laundry".

  3. Happy New Year Nancy! I salute you for the steps toward your self-discovery. YOu're very courageous individual and full of life.

    BTW. Thanks for coming by the Malvern Collegiate Craft Sale...have been meaning to send you an email. Hugs! Marissa


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