Wednesday, January 16, 2013

change in weather

i've been hibernating this winter, mostly due to a "popped rib"
its been a problem since late november and i've done everything possible to make it better
some days better than others
going a little stir crazy, watching too much tv and no art
on the weekend there was a huge change in the weather
temperatures reaching 13c 58f 
the 2 foot layer of snow on my front lawn is now completely gone
i decided to head out with my camera, i got as far as the bluffs near my house
the marina was filed with ducks, geese and this wonderful swan

i really wanted to play in ps  when i got home but sitting at the computer is difficult
so i finally "rigged" a spot on the couch, with lots of pillows and got some time to play
i found several interesting masks and bokeh at shadowhouse
a half and hour later i was happy with the results and getting a chance to create
now back to rest!!


  1. Beautful, sorry to hear about your rib! How did that happen? Take care!

  2. So glad you were able to muster up some outdoor time, hopefully you'll be good as new soon, miss all these wonderful creations.

  3. Sorry to hear about your rib; feel better soon. Glad you were able to get some Photoshop time. Your swan piece is beautiful.

  4. You turned the swan into a fairytale. Beautiful!

  5. Sending you best wishes from North East England - may you soon be back to full health!

  6. Nancy ~ get well soon ~ we miss you.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers . . .


  7. Hi Nancy. Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and wishing you the very, very best.

  8. Nancy, I've seen your thoughts on my friend Marie's blog, and I was so sorry to hear about your current challenges. I am sending best thoughts and wishes your way. Be very very good to yourself...

  9. keep us posted, as you are able ~
    hugs and prayers

  10. holy smokes...
    take care of
    that rib girl!!!

  11. I hope you feel much better by now, Nancy! The swan collage has turned out magical -- fantastic work. :)

    Do you plan to start again with your texture challenges? Would be lovely to know!

    Greetings from Germany,

  12. Nancy, just realized that you had 'fallen off' the blogs that I follow ...

    Hope that this finds you feeling better ... miss your creativity and activity



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