what would you do with this??

after my last post , i had a few people wondering about texture
so i sent them a copy to see what they could come up with
(if you would like to try, get a copy of the texture here)

my friend ludgera was having a tough time so i had her send me her photo to play with
above(the finished project)

the fun part is playing with the the different blending modes

all you have to do is add the texture to any photo and PLAY!!!
duplicate it as may times as you want and see what happens
try on every blending mode
don't forget to re-arrange the layer order
and the opacity
and you sometimes get a great surprise when you turn a layer off
like the one above in blue --after it became the red sample seen above it
so why not give it a try
i would love to see what you come up with
e-mail me a photo and i will post them next week

i got mine...
and i am excited to try
...this looks so fun
...be in touch soon!
xoxo Eden
you who...
so i was messing around
and came up with something
but i can't get to this screen
...the layer...the eyeball...
wondering if its my version...
Hi Nancy -- Karen in Kenai. After getting Marie's Newsletter, I revisited your site. It is fabulous and I love the texture you allowed us to try. I have been working for a couple of hours and posted a piece at my blog crediting you, of course. I didn't know how to email you. Hope it is OK to send a message to you here. alaskabluemoose.blogspot.com so you can see it. Many thanks. [I may use it for the Friday Art with Bonnie.]
Hi Nancy__I know your work through Lost Aussie and I have used your emusion background on a work I posted on my Flickr Photostream. Thanks so much I thought it worked well with the moldy paper I used.
Kathleen Amt
I try to find an email address for you.
When I saw Karen's work on Pixel Art Dust's Photo Art Friday I absolutely fell in love with that texture!! Knowing it came from you, I thought it might be encaustic in origin. Your encaustic work is so beautiful and inspiring! I really really love the abstract/modern nature of this tweaked work. Can't wait to see if I can come up with something fitting too!
I should be visiting blogs more often! I've been relying on flickr and not really keeping up very well. ; )
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