Saturday, April 30, 2011


spring has sprung...............finally
today was a glorious day
i spent 6 hours digging in the dirt
and i loved it

Thursday, April 28, 2011

shellin' out

my friend karen, the queen of jewelry making

gave me some irregular pearls

not knowing what to do with them i put them away

until now.............

which lead me on the hunt for more

i never knew there was some many to choose from
i love a various shapes and sizes
they work well with pearls and shells
and with my wire shapes

Friday, April 22, 2011


today i am celebrating my third year of blogging
i can't imagine not having this outlet

(i love looking back and seeing my art life )

it has been wonderful
"meeting" so many talented people
sharing ideas and art
and being inspired by it all
i greatly appreciate every ones
comments and encouragement
and would like to say
" thank-you "
sincerely, nancy

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

remembering paris

it was this time last year i was "stuck" in paris

due to the volcano eruption !!!!
my friend carmi has been posting all last week

from this years trip

(i'm saving my vacation days for next year)
which has made me wish i was there again

so i looked through my photos

(over 5500 and made a collage of my favorite)

see more on my flickr page

Friday, April 15, 2011

fun with flowers

while i'm waiting for things to grow in the garden

i've been working on organizing some photos

these ones i took last month at canada blooms garden show

above melted records

using easels and vents interesting color combo

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the butterfly project

last fall i found the butterfly project

( i sent 3 )

trudy is collecting handmade butterflies

for the hollocaust museum in houston

so far she has collected 183 from all over

in many styles of mixed media


as i was preparing for my classes next month

i started to play with the butterfly designs

to see how they can be twisted in wire

and came up with three more (seen above)

i love how these new ones came out!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

mixed minded

coming soon!!!

this week i will be working on my jewelry projects

remaking samples, packaging kits and taking notes

i will be teaching 2 classes

one wire and beaded pendent and celtic twist


next week i'll work on my encaustic lessons

Friday, April 8, 2011

april is a promise that may is bound to keep

~Hal Borland

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

dreaming of spring

as i'm clearing away the winter debris

i can see signs of spring

iris', lilies, chives are all 3 inches

as well as the tulips and daffodilsabove, a photo i took in class on sunday

a clipping mask from shadow house and

my photo touched up in ps

the top photo is the finished project using the "screen" blending mode

Monday, April 4, 2011

encaustic class

it's been 5 weeks since my last encaustic class

(i took this last semester off )

i gives you lots of time to get something finished

(or close to it) after choosing the rusted lock and key

heather suggest i work with beeswax

i used 4 boards, 2 upside down

and different thickness

here i add a piece of lace i found at the flea market

one of my photos some coffee and sesame seeds to add some texture

and some handmade paper to line the canvas

old paper for the background and oil paint to highlight the texture

Friday, April 1, 2011

street grunge project

lately, as the snow has melted

it has revealed some interesting grunge

which i love

i'm always looking for texture to photograph

they add wonderful interest to any photo

even a simple tree

one thing i always notice is telephone poles

this one caught my eye

i played with the hue/saturation and cropped it

after trying it "on" several photos and

playing with all the different blending modes

i used the "difference" for the above tree

and "vivid light" for the photo below

like marie says

where layers count

sometimes less is more