Friday, April 22, 2011


today i am celebrating my third year of blogging
i can't imagine not having this outlet

(i love looking back and seeing my art life )

it has been wonderful
"meeting" so many talented people
sharing ideas and art
and being inspired by it all
i greatly appreciate every ones
comments and encouragement
and would like to say
" thank-you "
sincerely, nancy


  1. Congratulations Nancy on your blogoversary! Your art, ideas, thoughts and words of encouragement are an inspiration to me...thank you for sharing.

  2. Many happy returns on your blogoversary. It's always a pleasure to see your artwork.

  3. Congratulations, love your works.

  4. Congratulations Nancy. You are unique, inspiring, creative and dynamic's always a pleasure to read your blog and be uplifted by your vision of life. Thanks for being you!

  5. Happy Blogoversary. We can't imagine you not being here either! Your energy and creative spirit are a constant inspiration and a welcome read every day.

  6. Congratulations and Happy Blogoversary! I love your work and you're truly an inspiration.

    BTW. Trying to get into you Encaustic 101 class at Mixed Minded

  7. Congratulations it's been wonderful to ride along with you!

  8. Congratulations Nancy. I have not been visiting here for the entire three years, but I have certainly been inspired by your work in the last little while.

  9. Happy number three Nancy! I'm so thankful for your friendship, wonderful inspiration and generously given's always a delight visiting you!

  10. happy blogoversary :)Here's to many more years of creativity !!

  11. Congratulations Nancy! You have been such an inspiration and a help to take the fear out of blogging and to start a blog and to make it easy. I remember the evening returning from a party and we were wondering what to do and you said let's set you up with a blog. I alway love to see your photoshop takes on your images. Keep us feeding with your endless creativity.

  12. Happy Blogoversary! I, too, use my blog as an art journal. I love visiting your blog and seeing how creative you are - lots of beautiful pieces.


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