Friday, April 1, 2011

street grunge project

lately, as the snow has melted

it has revealed some interesting grunge

which i love

i'm always looking for texture to photograph

they add wonderful interest to any photo

even a simple tree

one thing i always notice is telephone poles

this one caught my eye

i played with the hue/saturation and cropped it

after trying it "on" several photos and

playing with all the different blending modes

i used the "difference" for the above tree

and "vivid light" for the photo below

like marie says

where layers count

sometimes less is more


  1. I love the interesting looks you achieve when you play with the less used blending modes. So many people whack on a texture, blend to soft light and call it done. There are so many more artful opportunities and I am glad to see you stretch! xox

  2. This was fun. I love the first one. Nancy have a look at my blog and go to the link for Fiona, have a look at her abstract art... I thought of you.

  3. Very interesting. I am amazed at how you do this. There seems to be endless colours and layers.

    Happy Spring Nancy!

  4. I always love what you do in Photoshop. These are intriguing and enjoyable to look at.

  5. Absolutely fabulous Nancy... love your photos.... oh and Miss Molly is just gorgeous....

    Jenny x


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