Friday, June 25, 2010

working in RAW

that's camera raw
i'm on week two of
on line class
(loving it!)
i don't shoot in raw
so i've never been exposed to it
or did i know that i could use my jpegs
marie has shown us the difference
and how to clean up an otherwise
disappointing photo
when i'm out taking photographs
first i take a lot and second i don't
like to think about it too much
my camera is usually set on automatic
(except when indoors or wheni have the patience)
and i work on them when i get home
what i do think about is
"that's a great shape", or
" that will make a great frame"
or cool grunge
"i can make a great overlap in ps"
or just " i like that"
so needless to say when i get home
i spend alot of time organizing and
cleaning up my favorite shots
above a shot from my paris trip
we where on the shady side of the
working in raw makes it so easy to
improve any photo

another before and after
the day before we went to the
cimetiere du pere-lachaise
i took a photo class with sophie pasquet
as we wondered around montmartre
it was a very hazy day
we played with my camera settings
to get some really great shots
so the next morning when we got to the
cemetery my camera was still on manual
and i took about 20 photos before i noticed
(not enough coffee)
i did try to fix them while on my trip with not much luck
and now that i know about raw......
it's a whole new world !!!
thanks marie!!
if you missed out on taking this class or
would like to sign up for the next one
space is limited
so you better e-mail marie
and reserve a spot


  1. Amazingly wonderful results! I can't get the RAW to function with CS2. My computer gurus have confirmed that if I want to do the raw thing, I have to shoot in RAW. I'll give it a try when I can think. Love what you've done. Brava!

  2. I agree. I had no idea that RAW was useful for pictures that weren't taken in RAW. It's a piece of information that pays for the class (and I decided it was worth the money during week one).

  3. Your photographs are absolutely stunning.

  4. And them too! Eden


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