Wednesday, June 23, 2010

encaustic class

today was my last class until the fall
i've been wanting to do something with
my paris photos
finally i got my printer working
(thanks lennie)
so i could enlarge the image
the background was a mix of
taupe, white, cream and beige
i used the iron to smooth it out
so i could do a photo transfer
after the transfer was in place
i used a stencil to add the letters
and with a little red mixed with the taupe
i added more wax around the edges and
some burnt umber oil paint to
bring out the texture on the background
it needs a little more work
but i'm happy so far
this summer i will set up a table in my garden
and see what fun i can have using
the blow torch on the wax


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I like the atmoshere you've created with this.


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