Wednesday, April 21, 2010

versailles, part2

the hall of mirrors

it's all in the details

and accessories

marie antoinette's bedroom


now i understand the reason
for the revolution


  1. Versailles is one place that I didn't go when I was in Paris. My mom and I split up that day. I wandered around Paris (literally wandered -- I must have gotten lost 20 times)that day. I just couldn't bear to look at one more garden.... of course I regret it now (please don't tell my mom that though)

  2. Gorgeous!!!! I bet you are glad to got to add a few days to see all this beauty.

  3. Very elegant. I'm sort of surprised and glad it survived the French Revolution. Glad to hear you're on your way home.

  4. oh how did I miss this post??? gorgeosity!

  5. Amazing! The history around Versaille always fascinated me. You got to see it. That is so cool.


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