Tuesday, April 20, 2010

day onze, partie de versailles un

eruption disruption
if it wasn't for the volcano eruption
and our airline disruption
we would have missed versailles
the first hour was spent
courtesy of carmi my tour guide/chauffeur
in a little gulf cart
it was a "drive by shooting"
of how many photos can i get in
one hour without our leaving the cart!!!

one of many glorious fountains

none of which were working


the grounds were like a maze

carmi managed like a pro

the grand canal

a lovely day for a swim

my next garden project!!

one of the hundreds of statues

we spent 4 hours touring the gardens

tomorrow i will post the palace


  1. Is there a prize for most photos taken? You WIN!!! Yeah. Guess the best prize will be a flight back to lusterless TO. It's a great city, but it's not Paris. Have SO enjoyed all your photos. Amazing. I do hope you set up a travelogue when you get back. Have fun while you can.

  2. Great photos. Hope you get to return soon.

  3. Looks like you are really having a wonderful adventure. I'd love to see the garden maze. I'd so enjoy roaming throught a lovely old garden maze.

  4. these photos...oh my are just all so visually beautiful...but my absolute favorite has to be the swans...how i so love swans...and those with the solid black bills...i think that is what i saw in your photo...ah my beloved trumpeter swans ...lovely...just love...blessings and safe trip...Eden


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