Sunday, March 7, 2010

i love texture

another glorious day!
as the snow melts away
it revels some wonderful texture
on my walk to the gym
i managed to take 75 photos
above are just a few of my favorite
which will be used in future
projects in photoshop
and perhaps an encaustic painting


  1. You are unbelievable. I always forget my camera for important things, not just the gym.

  2., is correct, YOU ARE Amazing!! The textures here are wonderful and I can see how you are thinking encaustic with these...

  3. Wow, you got some wonderful textures. I forget that I could make my own. Thanks for reminding me.

  4. some of them look like encaustic paintings already-- so textured and rusty and wonderful

  5. these are lovely and thank you so much for the painting you sent me. I will frame it for sure!!!

  6. These are wonderful textures!!! I can't wait to see what you do with them! Love, Jamie

  7. WOW!!!! 75!!! Love what you posted.

  8. i love texture as well...on any given day I can't keep my eyes away from what i see across the horizon...

  9. love them, love your captured textures...

  10. I think this is the start of something beautiful. It already is.

  11. Hmm I echo the words of Irene - you are truly amazing remembering to have your camera with you at all times even when going to the gym - I never seem to be ready when inspiration strikes...eek!
    Love textures too and you're a whizz at creating them aswell :0)
    Hope you are having a good week.
    Hugs xx

  12. Absolutely gorgeous! I do think it is funny what we consider to be worthy of photographing that would make others think we were nuts! You go girl!


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