Friday, March 5, 2010

blue skies

what a glorious week
with blue skies
and temperatures rising
the snow melting
birds singing
it looks like an early spring
out for a walk at lunch
i was fascinated by the sky
the clouds where indescribable
i couldn't decide which photo i liked best
so i'm posting my favorites


  1. Gorgoeus pics, makes us all feel so great with these beautiful days.

  2. wow....these are gorgeous photos...magical

  3. Blue spring skies with bright white clouds really lift my spirits too!

  4. ooooh, i love them all nancy...i really do...eden

  5. I love your blue skies Nancy - they are really invigorating to look at. Beautiful.

  6. Beautiful shots. I'm thrilled to say that we have similar skies here in Michigan. We're on our fifth sunny day in a row. It's amazing what difference it makes! Truly puts a "spring" in your step. Have a good weekend.

  7. oh Nancy thanks for sharing your blue skies, we have one today for the first time in days, but your clouds are just dreamy! ps i am really enjoying the piece you sent me and have it on a little stand until I get it framed, thanks again!

  8. these shots really make it feel as though spring is just about here!

  9. these are lovely. so inspiring!!!

  10. God I forgot how great blue skies were, mainly because I haven't seen them in so dang long. But they are coming back, slowly but surely they are creeping into spring. Beautiful shots, and the pics of trees as well. I willa ctually be able to fraternize amongst the trees again soon enough. Spring come on down!

  11. The sky is not the limit. But is a good start.


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