Sunday, January 10, 2010

playing with backgrounds

after re-discovering my
backgrounds folder
(experimental collages i made 2 years ago)
i decided to see what they would look
like as layers in some photoshop projects
above a photo taken on new years day
(converted it to a b/w photo)
one of my backgrounds (middle, below)
some text and a ttv found on flickr
i used "hard light" and" color burn"
blending modes on the different layers

on the left alternating layers of
magazines strips and masking tape
in the middle random shapes of magazine pages
and masking tape with a layer of gesso on top
and on the right ,
layers of masking tape colored with walnut ink
very simple to create
i scanned and saved for future use
then just forgot about them
until last week
i altered them in ps
converting to black and white,
inverting and adding different filters
just to see what they would look like

the used same original photo as above
and added the dry brush filter
i used the background on the left
and converted it to b/w
then used the overlay blending mode

again the same photo
the background on the right
which i inverted and got the blue tone
added a ttv and used the linear burn blending mode
i came up with dozens of alternatives
i posted the ones i like so far
it's been fun discovering different looks to just one photo
using three of my backgrounds
i'm so glad i found this folder!


  1. These look awesome Nancy! Perhaps frustration has it's uses by prompting you to do something by yourself that turns out well! xoxo

  2. I, too, have ignored my backgrounds folder. I have time set aside today for PS play (meant to do it yesterday, but went to Avatar instead).

  3. I just love these and really appreciate the method! Thanks Nancy.


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