Friday, January 8, 2010


i like to hibernate
stay inside
clean out my studio
purge my closets
organize my taxes
read a lot
watch old movies
and day dream...............

how many more days 'til spring??
i can't wait to get out there
i love the feel of the dirt in my hands

the winter gives me a chance to rest up,
plan a new layout for part of my garden
it gives me something to focus on
which gets me through the next few months
and i'm forced to sit at the computer
the rest of the year i always have an excuse
to be outside
but now i find myself sitting every few hours
playing with my photos


above, one it took up north while
visiting some friends
layered over some texture

the original photo

cropped and added the poster edge filter

a background i made of old book pages and sheet music
covered with gesso
once i layered the two in photoshop
it was fun to try out all the blending modes


  1. really nice photoshopped images. i about ready for some spring myself as it is too frigid here!!!

  2. Yes I can't wait for spring too.

  3. As always I enjoy seeing your art!

  4. You are amazing woman. I love this, as always. I never would have guessed the last pic was part of the first. Wow!!

  5. This is really nice. I have to practice more with my blending modes.

  6. Great effect. Thanks for sharing.

    My word verification is "hunca"...always think of you and Elvis! :)

  7. okay, I'm off to try out some other blending modes! Great inspiration.. thanks!

  8. What you did with that photo is fantastic! I took some pretty pictures of the early moring was stroped with pinks i may just have to post at least one.

  9. Did you put the photo on top of the paper or the was the photo the background and you put the paper on top...I'm taking DJ's class too

  10. i found this on DJ Pettit's class. I love it there and I love seeing how you did it. Gives me inspiration.


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