Monday, January 25, 2010

one world, one heart

well today is the day
where bloggers get to meet new friends
get inspired and feel the love!
so to all my new friends
thanks for stopping by
and i hope you enjoy
please add a comment below
with your link so i can visit you
last year i made 200 cards
(50 of the ones above)
plus 50 mini collages
and gave away 5 necklaces
the photo was taken in owen sound
and has inspired me everyday

i've created this necklace
with owoh in mind

this is the prize to drawn on feb.15th
so please leave a comment
to enter the draw
i will add a new prize for every 100 comments

so far i've made these three
anyone who becomes a follower
will receive
a R.A.K. gift
you must e-mail me privately

link back to my main page
link to my photos
link to my encaustic
link to my jewelry


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HereBeDragons said...

Fun stuff. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

what you have created are three pieces that are truly beautiful... would love to go in to the draw
and hey fly by on the magic carpet to enter my draw

OWOH #82

Micki said...

I love your jewelry! Please enter me!

Debbi said...

Beautiful jewelry! Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

Connie said...

Hi Nancy!

What fabulous giveaways you have here! Please count me in.

I'm #818 Studio 64-Chicago on the magic carpet. If you haven’t already done so, please stop by for a chance at my giveaway too.

Hope to see you there!

mrscmc7 at gmail dot com

Deborah Ann said...

Greetings from Wisconsin. I would LOVE to win one of these gorgeous necklaces! Stop by my blog for my giveaway too, if you haven't already. Well, I'm off on my magic carpet to the next dream destination. Happy Dreams!

Heavenly Humor #922
Debby (hugs)

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

You are so busy!! I keep your card from last year on a dresser in my studio amongst pieces of my art and an print from the artist Anne Julie. I see it every day! The other day my son noticed it and asked if I made it, he liked it a lot..! I also hang the beautiful heart necklace I won last year from your owoh, on the wall of my studio near my desk...A year later your art is still at my forefront! How about two for two!!???

Sophie said...

Lovely prizes. I would love a chance to win.
Sophie in Montreal

Dschrader said...

Your work is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

fantastic work, really. I love every little thing.

My Way said...

Hello from Georgia, USA!! I'm really having fun flying from blog to blog and seeing so much talent!
I'm new to the art world and overwhelmed by all the different kinds of art I might could learn.
Please enter me and thank you for your generosity!

Ellen said...

these are beautiful!
come visit me at #277


Stace said...

Very pretty work!

s hyler said...

I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing.

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

This is a lovely piece. So fun. Please add my name and then visit my blog to enter my giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and unique necklaces. Thank you for entering me. bluemoonbyniteatyahoodotcom

Dottie said...

What gorgeous necklaces. I would love to win one of these.

I hope you can stop by and visit my giveaway if you haven't already. I'm #253 on the magic carpet ride.

Tanya said...

What a great giveaway, would love a chance to win
Tanya #828

Team Tesla said...

Great give away! Please Add me.

JivesJools said...

Beautiful work here. Very creative! and what a fantastic giveaway! Please count me in...and pop over to my place to check out my giveaway! Hope your havin a great weekend!

Isn't this such a wonderful event!

Much love

Bibi said...

Wow, what stunning pieces! I have fingers tightly crossed for this giveaway! :)

Peggy said...

Beautiful blog and a stunning treasure! Fabulous giveaway!!I am flying on my magic carpet ,visiting from Connecticut. Thanks for the lovely giveaway I am blog #937

AtomicWarBride said...

WOW- I love your blog and love love love the necklaces you've made. And the image of the heart amidst the rocks is so stunning! Please sign me up! And please visit my blog for more OWOH action!

Unknown said...

Your work is gorgeous! Please count me in! Hugs, Rowena

SpiritMama said...

Your jewelry is so beautiful!
Waxela (wa-shay-la)

Cindy said...

Beautiful giveaways! Please enter me in your drawing.

CathyH said...

Beautiful necklaces!So happy to have stopped in to see your art!
With love from Tennessee, U.S.A. #1035

Terra Heck said...

I would love to win one of your creations. Please count me in to win.

Jenna Z said...

WOW, such gorgeous necklaces! I love the orange one!

Maple Ridge Vintage said...

Love jewelry!!! I have tried my hand at making it too...please come by and see me I am #886

Unknown said...

What an awesome giveaway! I would love a chance to win.

Glassgrrl Studios said...

You've a beautiful, elegant style.d

sharon said...

Your work and blog are beautiful, and thank you for the chance to win!
Please visit me also if you can! #794

Gaby Bee said...

Gorgeous pieces! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks for the opportunity to win such lovely prizes!

Leslie said...

Fabulous necklace!! I would love a chance to win.

mitz said...

your work is ** Fab-tabulous ** thanks for the opportunities.. tc

Cindy said...

Your necklaces are lovely. Thank you for giving us the chance to win them. :)


Laurie said...

Your necklaces are lovely! I especially like the first one as I'm partial to silver. Thank you for the chance to win! Please stop by my blog and enter to win my OWOH giveaway, #95! Have fun on the magic carpet!

Grace said...

Please include me in your wonderful giveaway. What a fun blog to visit on the magic carpet. Thank you for sharing!


Birgit said...

Hi there,

Your necklaces are simply wonderful! :) Thanks for the chance to win something so lovely.

If a glass bead necklace sounds good, you might want to visit my blog. It would be a pleasure to welcome you there. :)

Greetings from Munich,
# 849

Susan said...

Thank you for a delightful trip on the magic carpet ride! Your blog is such fun to read, I love the quotes at the bottom and your encaustic work is incredible. Oh, please enter me in your giveaway, too. Warmest regards, Susan OWOH #775

Stephanie said...

What fun - and beautiful work!


Ginny said...

Beautiful jewelry, I just became a follower of your blog!

Sugar and Spice Art Confections said...

Gorgeous jewelry and art! Thank you for your generous giveaway. I hope you are enjoying sailing the skies via magic carpet. Please visit me at #833, when you are able. :) Rebecca in CT.

Amanda31Gifts said...

I'd love a chance to win! Please enter me in your giveaway :)
Thank you!! Amanda

ps - please visit me at #1031! Thank you :)

AJ said...

Greetings from Manila, Philippines! Thanks for the giveaway ( :


A_C_E_ at hotmail dot com

Eugen Caitaz said...

Hi dear!!! I like your idea! It’s very Awesome! I wish to ALL who will participate in this wonderfull give-away, Big Good Luck! Yohooooo! ;)

Jen said...

Gosh those necklaces are pretty! Please enter my name and if you'd like fly on over for a chance to win too! #882

Retasroses Vintage said...

Hi there :) Your necklaces are the prettiest!! Please include me & thnx so much!!

Also, please visit me too -- I'm #1003 at

Enjoy your magic carpet ride :)

Amy said...

Wow, Just found your beautiful work! I would be very honored to be a recipient of a piece of your amazing art! Keep up the great work. I am new to this artform and excited to learn more!!!

HeARTworks said...

"Kamusta" from the Philippines! I love your blog! thank you for posting all your experiments! I would be thrilled to win any of your prizes- and if you haven't already, do drop by my blogs too!
patsy.paterno (at)

Anonymous said...

Gosh Nancy you blog is really cool not too mention inspiring. I've linked you to my blog so I can follow all you and your creative avenues! Its wonderful your art! Greetings and Blessings from this Magic Carpet Ride...Eden

Marie said...

What a lovely collection of necklaces, thanks for the chance to win. Love the first the MOST!
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
OWOH necklace giveaway

Deb said...

blog celebration & great giveaway, count me in!

ardith said...

Great necklace- love it. Please throw my name into the hat!! Pop on over to #983 if you'd like...

artymarty said...

This is a great giveaway. Thanks . Please consider visiting my blog and entering my draw.

Lisa Gatz said...

How beautiful! Please enter my name, too! Thanks.

ladyb1 said...

Beautiful. Please include me in your draw. #710

Barbara Marr said...

Beautiful necklaces, thank you. Please stop by # 840 to see the felt flower brooch and yarn I am giving.

afineday said...

Thank you for the chance to win one of your lovely necklaces!

brc668 (at) gmail (dot) com

Mickey said...

How pretty. I would love to be entered into you drawing. So glad OWOH brought me to your blog. :-)


janil said...

Lovely necklaces!!!!Please pick me up!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

Kim Mailhot said...

What beautiful, beautiful pieces ! Thanks so much for my chance to win. Enjoy the rest of the ride !

Janice said...

I love your jewelry! That heart necklace is just awesome.

Thanks for joining in.

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

That is lovely! Please enter me!

reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

Gini said...

Your jewellery is fabulous and so unique and wonderfully creative!
Please count me in.
I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog and enter my give away here
Thank you so much for your generosity and I hope you have a wonderful year blogging with all your new friends.
Gini (Entry #1040)
A Little Bit of Shiny Blog

Kelli Russell Agodon - Book of Kells said...

Wonderful! I love your giveaways! Yes, please enter me in your drawing!

And you can visit mine here:

Happy Valentine's Day: ♥**~

Thanks so much!

Christy said...

these are amazing! thank you for the chance!

Artbybdell said...

oh my last day, I am so excited to see if I win any of the wonderful prizes. Good luck on the drawings. visit

Beadcomber said...

Beautiful work, no wonder your comment box is full! Hope you got room for one more word verification to make sure I'm human is and am not kidding!..."nothear" hahaha!! hope that's not true
Waving to you from western shores of Canada

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© The Evolution of Nancy
CoffeeShop Designs