Saturday, April 26, 2008

too busy!

the day just flew by
worked 8am to noon
went to an art supply garage sale hosted by my friend Carmi,
found lots of bargains, great finds
came home and worked in the garden splitting plants until 5pm
washed up and went for dinner and a country drive
and just got home to realize i ready for bed!
so today's art is just a quick throw together
of a background i made a few weeks ago
and a picture of a tree taken in arizona last summer
i need to get some rest for another day in the garden!
i love the spring!


  1. Welcome to the world of blogland. Makes me realize I haven't been keeping up with mine. Agree about the springtime and getting back into the garden. Say hi to Lennie and look foward to seeing more of your cool art. Blogger not letting me add my typepad address. Terry http//

  2. Hi Nancy,
    Love the title "evolution of N". You are doing better than I am - I've been in the garden planting and haven't made any art. But I'm off to Art and Soul on Thursday so hopefully I'll make up for that! Take care, Catherine


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