Monday, April 28, 2008

rainy days!

it's hard to believe that with the record breaking snow we had
just a few weeks ago that we needed rain
i spent all weekend in the garden, cleaning out one of my beds
and the ground was dry
i took out all the plants, tilled the soil, got rid of the weeds,
split everything and planted again
i'm glad its raining, i needed the break!

i'm having a plant sale on May 25th in my backyard
and wasn't sure i would have enough to sell
but after finishing one bed i have over 50 splits potted
that's just on sixth of my backyard and i haven't even looked at the front!
i'm glad i have a month to get ready.

my garden is one of my creative outlets
i love the whole process of cultivating, nurturing, waiting and
the anticipation of what will pop up next
it's taken 9 years to finally get a chance to sit and enjoy my garden
i even got to to take several naps last year
i so look forward to this summer.


1 comment:

  1. Glad the snow has finally gone and you can get outdoors..I need to do the same!


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