Monday, October 21, 2013

encaustic class

getting back into a routine is a great feeling
i've always felt that creating art is my form of therapy
and since my surgery i've wanted to do something that
represented my spine
so last week i got the idea for using railroad tracks
luckily there is a hobby store close to my home
once i chose my color palette the rest just fell into place
i just started creating texture
layers of wax and then scraping, back and forth
until i achieved the desired effect
once in a while i used my iron
im happy with the results

a few details from the above painting


  1. Of course you're happy with the results. This is a great piece. Beautiful as a whole, and the details each work as separate pieces.

  2. Yowsa! I wasn't expecting THIS when I checked today!!! Yeah You! How wonderful that you are able to be back in the studio. Hope you have many inspirational and soft days ahead. Nice work!

  3. 'Love these...I also do encaustic painting...IT'S So FUN!!!


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