Sunday, September 22, 2013

encaustic class

it's been a long 9 months since my last class
I've been dreaming about painting
 since leaving the hospital over 3 months ago
I have so many ideas in my head
it was a bit hard to focus at first
i had a vision of something that just didn't want to work
so instead of getting frustrated i put it aside
and started the piece above
working with several shades of blue
i just started covering the canvas
something soothing about blue
(like looking at clouds)
it made me forget about the first piece
and thinking about clouds why not add some white
and while i was at it i thought i would through in a silver lining

it was great to be back in heather's class


  1. I like the idea of a silver lining. So glad to see you creating!! xoxo

  2. I love your encaustic work. It's great you're back at it.

  3. You have had quite a journey: a silver lining is quite appropriate!

  4. How wonderful to see you creating again!

  5. :)
    I'm happy to be reading you again!
    I'm happy that you're back to encaustic!


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