Friday, May 10, 2013

on the good days

last month, well at least i think it was last month,
(time is so confusing right now)
sent me this enormous gift box
filled with at least 20 balls of  the most unique yarns and all different
OMG!!! i was so overwhelmed with this wonderful and extravagant gift
and of course i knew what i was going to do
last christmas before i got sick i was having such a wonderful time
creating these wonderful free form crochet purses
that i knew it would be easy for me to do while in rehab
you just can't make a mistake
(no matter how many meds your on!!)

not sure if i will make another purse
leslie put the bug in my ear by saying
"can you make a jacket"
(i'll keep you posted)
thanks again leslie for lifting my spirits and keeping me from going crazy!!


  1. Nancy! Well look what you've done!!! As usual your work is inspiring and cheerful and uplifting. It's YOU that keeps us on our toes! So delighted that you find some creativity amongst all those textures. Only you could come up with such splendid ideas. I'm still considering investing in a sheep farm for you:) Hope this week is more gentle with you, you've come through so much lately. I'm cheering you on from the sidelines! Deep Peace my friend, see you when I get back.

  2. These amazing wools remind me of a wall hanging I made years ago. It was a sea scape, very textured and it had shells and drift wood woven in... I forgot about that... wonder where it is :)

  3. Listen Missy, NOBODY can crochet like you can. I am constantly in awe of what you can do with wool. Remember those crocheted caps from the 70s that were all the rage? I bet your freeform crochet would be amazing for those :-)

  4. Oh, yes! Make a jacket. You'll do a beautiful job.

  5. Hi Nancy
    Good to hear from you. Hang in there!!!!!!!


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