Tuesday, December 11, 2012

instant glam challenge ........ you decide

my friend carmi mailed me this wonderful set of instant glam by fernando
with a challenge, what would you do with these?!
of course the wheels have been turning ever since and i could have come up
with at least 10 different ideas ( i could really go off the rails with this)
but since it is "glam" i thought i should keep to that theme
 i narrowed it down to 2
but before i get out my drill and start the assemblage process
i though i would see which one you liked

of course i got out the wire and started twisting
the first one is very symmetrical and looks like a lotus to me
it might even look good with a photo of a painting inside
and then layered with resin??

the second, i got a little carried away and then scaled it back a bit
there is something i like about an asymmetrical design
let me know what you think
i will finish it off later this week and post the finished design

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