Sunday, October 28, 2012

picture perfect

i can take photos all day long and find a few that i'm happy with
last sunday the conditions where wonderful
a stormy sky, fall colors. and soft lighting
as i drove back home along hwy 7 i came around a soft bend in the road
and there it was the "perfect setting|"
for a second i thought "damn i should time, i've been out all day
next , when will there be a next time, and will it be this good??
i quickly did a U turn and got this shot
and glad i took the extra time to enjoy the scenery

Friday, October 26, 2012

liquid gold

in case you were wondering this is what 32 pounds of bees wax looks like
i'm teaching encaustic classes at busy b's this month
when i ran out i called my connection  only to find out that this hasn't been a
good year for bees and a small harvest
i drove to peterborough to get 10 pounds and ended up with a lot more!!
(because you will never know when you may run out!!)

photos from my demo and last class
everyone got their hands "wet"
and now they are ready to take it to the next level
i look forward to this sunday's class

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

scenes of fall

scenes from the farm in port perry
more on my flickr page here

Sunday, October 21, 2012

encaustic class

sometimes when you just don't know where to start
it is best to go back to the basics
today's class was an experiment in layering photos and multiple photo transfers

the simplicity of the black and white made it easy concentrate on the photos

which eventually lead me to creating some texture
and keeping with the b/w theme
i created some fun combinations

Saturday, October 13, 2012

creative festival

this years creative festival for me was all about fiber arts
last year as i wondered the show i discover gio gaudet
and his wonderful felted coats
so this year when he was offering a class
i was excited to sign up
his work is amazing and now i appreciate just
how much work goes into one piece
my second class was creating texture and dimension

this is something i can do while watching tv
hopefully i will finish my sample before christmas!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

clearing my head

with a hundred things on my mind
classes to take (at the creative festival) and
teach  (encaustic at busy b's and christmas tree pin at john bead),
 which also includes lesson plans, kits and samples
crocheting, putting the garden to bed and
all my regular chores and work
i needed a little break
and nothing works better than a walk on the beach
the water always sooths my soul
above a photo taken on my iphone of the luety lifeguard station
using the "hefe" action in instagram

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

i really don't know clouds..................

when i first arrived in the parking lot for dinner
i thought cool clouds and took this picture
i stopped and wondered, how does this happen
they all seemed to be moving into  the setting sun
as i pondered i thought when i get home i will google and find out
by the time i got to the end of the parking lot i turned to look again
things had changed, dramatically
what a difference 4 minutes will make
when i got home i googled and found out that
i really don't know clouds at all