Sunday, June 3, 2012

one thing always leads to another

for weeks now i have been working on a flagstone patio
first i had to dig up the sod, then level the ground, added some fabric screening and
i was ready to head to the local landscaping store
4 trips with 200lbs each
did i mention i love my bug!!! it's great for any job

once i got all the stone moved from the car to the backyard the puzzle began
it took me several day to finally get it just right
i used sand to level and heighten some of the stones
once it settles a bit i will add in the mortar

while i was at the landscaping store i found some really interesting rocks

and of course the forklift had some great texture on it
which lead me to photoshop where i converted it to b/w and added it to my poppy photo

i duplicated the poppy  and texture photos several times
tried on several filters and played with all the blending modes
finally i added a layer mask from shadowhouse


  1. Well it looks fabulous. How's your back? What a lot of work. I know, I've done similarly. I'm trying desperately to get my mother of thyme to grow between my stone.

  2. Beautiful!..there is no end to your talent!


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