Monday, June 11, 2012

encaustic class

it's been a while since i got out the shellac
today i just wanted to experiment to see what could happen
above, an old piece from last summer
it was just sitting in my studio looking really plain
so i thought it would be something i could play with
 i used a thin brush and just started adding shellac
along the water lines and the reeds hit it with the blow torch
it was too thin, so i added more shellac with a bigger brush and tried it again

for this board i started witha map and a few layers of wax
i wanted to create a landscape so i covered the bottom with shellac
after waiting a few minutes i hit it with the blow torch
since today was all about experimenting i decided to cover the bottom
again with shellac and only hit some spots with the torch
then i added just a bit more in a few spots to add some depth
once i was finished the top was looking a little bright so
i did a thin coat repeated the same process
now i will decide if i want to add a photo transfer

for this one i added several photos first and then the shellac
i think i will play with this one some more


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