Thursday, March 1, 2012

texture challenge

this weeks textures can be found on my flickr page

no matter where i go i always find eye just goes to it

telephone pole, rusted mail box, stone wall, peeling paint, park bench

at the flea market, auto garage, graveyard ......everywhere..anywhere

i always have my little camera in my purse just in case

someone asked me how i start a project
i create a new blank file add in all 6 textures and then bring in a photo maybe 2
i "turn off" all but one of the textures and try on all the blending modes
saving the ones i like and then moving on to the next texture
then i try 2 or 3 or all 6 to see what they look like
most of the time it gets a bit busy
this time i actually liked what happened
above all six layers and the blending modes i used

above six new textures i created by combining several of the textures
and playing with the blending modes
over the next week i will play some more to see what i can create
for this challenge, i will post results on march 11th
so if you want to play along go to my flickr page and download these textures
email me your results and i will post every ones projects


  1. they are all great new textures and I'm looking forward to playing . . .

  2. just to let you know, i've enjoyed my visit to your blog today. so many wonderful pieces to see!


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