Saturday, February 18, 2012

pin it!!!

OMG!! i love pinterest

my niece who spends hours on her phone told me about this

app for my i phone

you can find so much inspiration there


  1. nancy!!!
    i love pinterest too!
    its so wonderful.
    like an online scrapbook
    right there at your fingertips!
    okay i nominated you and your blog
    for a liebster award.
    visit my blog and take what you
    need to accept....xoxo

  2. I've been doing pinterest foreve! I love it! You can see my boards linked through my blog :)

  3. This on my bucket list too and so many other things. Help! It looks great. Love the hand dyed yarn.

  4. I know, I blogged about this a while back. So much to do, so little time ......

  5. I'm a pinterest fan too - here's my link - send me yours!


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