Sunday, February 5, 2012

encaustic with supria karmakar

today i got to spend the day at wise daughters

taking surpias encasutic class

what a wonderful day, it was so nice to finally get to meet her

and get to experience her methods of painting

one thing i rarely do is play with the iron

i love the contrast of the very smooth, marble like top against the deep texture


  1. I enjoyed her class too, Love what you did.

  2. Oh darn. how did I miss this? Grrrrrr.....

  3. Heh Nancy, it was lovely too meet you too, and to see your beautiful creations come alive..... thanks for posting this....I will most likely be back at Wise Daughter's if you ever want to come back .....Or you are welcome to my studio in Fergus anytime....I appreciated your time and assistance today immensely, you are a wonderful supporter : ))) who does beautiful work : )
    I know you were asking about studio time, classes at my Fergus Studio... etc...I often list things there on my website: , Facebook or blog so that is a great place to see what I am unto....or if you want I can put you on my newsletter distribution..either way, please come on up to Fergus any time your heart desires....THANKS again for joining the class...your contributions were fantastic.

  4. i love it too...very very nice...

  5. I was thinking of taking the encaustic class...but got busy. Love your finished art.

  6. Stunning! I wouldn't use an iron either!


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