Monday, December 19, 2011

last minute gifts

i finally got a chance to add some beads to the shapes i made last month


  1. As usual "stellar" work! I think I feel a class coming on!?:) By the way, I so applaud your scarf efforts for the homeless. Bravo girls! Such a sweet sweet thing to do. You're the best.

  2. I just love your freeform style and each of these pendants is just gorgeous! Anyone would love to have such a fabulous gift! Happy Holidays.

  3. your jewelry is magnificent Nancy . . . my goodness, what don't you do! you are a beautiful photographer, artist, jeweler, knitter . . . and an inspiration!

  4. your talent has no boundaries..gorgeous and inspirational! happy holidays Nancy!

  5. Lovely creation. You inspire me all the time. Happy Holidays Nancy!


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