Tuesday, November 29, 2011

texture challenge

last month, while waiting for my oil change

i asked my mechanic if he would mind if i took a few photos

as i was "oohing and awing" over all the grunge

roland was looking at me like i was crazy

i managed to take a tons of photos which i have on my flickr

if you would like to download them and play along

i post every ones creations next tuesday

(you can email me your photos at nancy_allpulpeodut(at)yahoo(dot)com)

have fun playing!!!


  1. Hi Nancy, I love the photos you took at your mechanics place - they are divine! Having an artists eye can sometimes cause sideways glances can't it? penny

  2. An oil change can make the best textures!

  3. These are just wonderful Nancy and I look forward to playing with them!! =)
    Thanks for sharing! xo

  4. I'm in, and I'm excited! Thank you for your inspiration and creativity . . .


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