Sunday, September 25, 2011

encaustic class

it's been five months since my last class

it felt really good to get back into the swing of things

i was inspired by patrica baldwin seggebruch

for today's class i covered the canvases with book pages

and used a lot of wax glazes

after a lot of scraping and incising

i added oil paint to highlite the texture

the next class is a month away

i may have to set up my studio again


  1. That is a long time since we've seen some of your work, I do think you'll have to set up your studio.

  2. Oh Nancy, these are STUNNING... all three are absolutely gorgeous... love them :))

    Jenny x

  3. Ooooh thank you for that link Nancy... I see that Patrica is teaching in Melbourne next year... how exciting...

    Jenny x

  4. Lovely work Nancy. Good to see you "waxing" again. xoxo Hugs Marie

  5. I love all these, especially the top one. I had a class with Patricia last August at ArtUnraveled with Patricia and think she's an excellent teacher.

  6. These are absolutely stunning. I think they are amazing creations Nancy. penny

  7. That wax is always getting a new challenge from you! Love the new work and the mark making.

  8. Very creative. Very inspiring! Patsy from


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