Saturday, August 27, 2011

a little joy

( long story short)

who has been missing for 18 months

showed up a month ago

and i thought she was a look a like

but after spending time with her

i now know it is her

anyways, she gave birth to 3 beautiful babies

last saturday morning

she is such a good momma

i'm overjoyed to have her home


  1. 18 months...that is wonderful that she came back and with her whole new family too...just PRECIOUS!!! If I lived near you I´d come over and get myself a new kitten:) Have fun with the babies......

  2. That's wonderful news. That's a long time to be missing, but obviously she was having a good time.

  3. Oh how lovely for you! I am so glad she found her way home.

  4. They are with you in very good hands, big baby momma! Are you shortening your curtains in 4 weeks? So beautiful.

  5. If only cats could talk - what tales she would have of her adventures. Cheeky thing to come home when she needs care and attention!! Now you four lovely bundles of cuddle - great news.

  6. Oh isn't it wonderful when they come home. We had a cat who disappeared for 7 years. We found out later she was living 3 houses down and she decided to come back after the 7 years. We know it was our cat because she has 6 claws instead of 5 on the front feet. Congrats on the kittens.


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