Monday, June 27, 2011

photoshop fun

i've been so busy this past week

i finally got a chance to get some homework done

for week one of my on-line class with marie

it always amazes me how much you can learn by watching someone else

i learned several shortcuts, tips and tricks plus tools i never noticed

( for some reason i never ever saw the straightening tool??)

i hope i have time to get to the other 3 projects before week 2 starts!!!


  1. Oh yes, what a spiffy cut out. This rose image really rocks it! And it's straight too :D xox

  2. Very dramatic and beautiful. I had never straightened nor centered before this lesson.

  3. This is great! I wasn't able to take the class this time, so I'll be back checking out all you are learning. Thanks for all the beautiful posts!


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