Thursday, June 9, 2011

photo magic

just a "heads up"

marie otero had a new on-line class

starting june 24

Week 1 - Photo Editing
We will cover a number of techniques for making your photos jump off the page and start with making sure they are straight, using some creative cropping, discussing rule of thirds, and how to "eyeball" a good look.

We will work with adjustment layers and some simple layer masking.

Week 2 - Fab Faces and Glamour Glow
Learn how to make your faces rock with the use of the Healing Brush and other techniques to make your up close and personal pictures look like the professionals do them.
We will work with layers, blending modes and filters in this weeks projects.

Week 3 - Creative Effects
Let's start messing around with your less than perfect images by adding layers of texture, blur, bokeh and other fun techniques so that you can learn how to make the best of even the less successful image and make it look fabulous. We will be working with layers, selection tools and oh yes, blending modes again !

Week 4 - Blog It, Share It, Show It....
This week we will focus on how to share your images online. How to create a FAB header for your blog using your own photos or images. Create a neat sidebar thumbnail or avatar. Place images into a custom made template that you can use over and over. And let's talk about text. How and when to use it, how to customize it and Embellish it!
We will also look at watermarking and custom signatures for your images.

i have taken several classes with marie and

have learned so much

she is an excellent teacher


  1. looks like a great class and something thats on my list but not for now...i don't know about your weather but it's so darn hot here - i have to water my garden every day or everything wilts!

  2. I love Marie's work, I'm afraid I'm just crappy at it though. I shall live through you.


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