Saturday, June 18, 2011

peace and tranquility

i really enjoyed my stay at the

i love being near the water, it sooths my soul

my first afternoon was spent soaking my feet

and taking photos

every morning and evening i would take in the view

before and after classes


above, the inn sign and a view of the millstream

a close up of the falls

dogwood and a statue from town

rain on the water and

my reflection in a local store


visit my flickr page for more from woodstock


  1. Un bel reportage, un luogo di pace e tranquillità accentuata dal trattamento antico che hai applicato da alcune foto! Complimenti! Ciao Cri e buona domenica! : )

  2. I love the rain on water. Wonderful photos all.

  3. So glad you enjoyed your stay and love the inspirational photos.

  4. Looks like a wonderful place. Beautiful photos. The raindrops on water is my favorite.

  5. beautiful a travel guide for the hotel.. they should hire you...
    the second photo is so dreamy...

  6. I just stumbled on your blog and am really enjoying it so far. Your photos are gorgeous!!



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