Wednesday, March 23, 2011

no surprise

this morning i woke to a nice dusting of snow
no surprise, i do live in canada
(i've seen snow in april)
on my morning walk i manage to take several photos
it was walking back home when it got nasty
it's now afternoon and it hasn't stopped
looks like a foot so far
back to dreaming of spring and time in the garden


  1. Same here except it;s not sticking! Snow, rain, snow, snow ..... ugh!
    I told Lennie, I am going back in to hibernate some more!

  2. the photo of the crocus popping through the snow..that says it all!

  3. My son just asked if I thought we'd have a snow day tomorrow. Doubt it and I'm certainly hoping it will stop sometime soon!

  4. Gorgeous photos! But...sigh...will this snow never end??

  5. Don't give up! You might walk in your shorts in a week. I remember having my winter jacket on in the morning and in the afternoon shorts. Isn't that Canada?


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