Wednesday, March 2, 2011

a day in the country

i spent a lovely day driving out in the country with my friend lu
we stopped at the queensville antique mall
lots to photograph...............

i did manage to find a few cameras for my brownie collection
and take over 100 photographs
it was nice to see the big blue skies


  1. Hi Nancy, Sounds like a fun day trip. Love the pics. Now I know what you do with my bottle caps. Place them in a quart jar.

  2. great photos; I particularly like the cash register one.

  3. What a fun group of photos! Like Joanne Huffman's comment reads, love that cash register pic best.
    It's so much fun being in the shopping mode if a friend comes round. We made a trip to an Antique Mall here recently, where I found more than one reason to grin at the checkout.
    Thanks for the treat for the eye!

  4. A brownie collection? Now that's something I'd really like to see. I love old cameras.


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