to see what the texture would do i opened a photo of a tree added the b/w texture on top and after trying on all the blending modes i settled on exclusion
with a bit a script and a grunge frame from shadowhouse blending modes set to darken and linear burn and there you have it
A bell is no bell 'til you ring it, A song is no song 'til you sing it, And love in your heart Wasn’t put there to stay - Love isn’t love 'Til you give it away. ~Oscar Hammerstein,
Sound of Music, "You Are Sixteen (Reprise)"
one of my mini encaustic painting i made for valentines
one part luck one part right-place-right-time one part karma one part serendipity one part friends one part A.D.D. one part eye one part height one part creativity
unless otherwise noted all photography, artwork, and content displayed on all pulpedout the evolution of nancy, is copy right by Nancy Donaldson and may not be used without prior written permission or consent
Please be advised that the karma gods will be watching.