Wednesday, January 5, 2011

encaustic class

i seems like it has been a really long time since my last class
8 weeks feels like a year ago
i didn't have any projects in mind
just thought i would experiment
i found a bag of egg shells sitting on my desk
i'm sure i saved them for a reason
so i brought them to class
working on a small canvas i added one of my photos
using the egg shells as a frame and
adding white wax in between
and a little green and raw umber oil paint to highlight the texture

now that i figured out how it get the shells to stay in the wax
i will try this again next week on a larger scale


  1. Oh how unique. I love it. I've kept pumpkin seeds for some reason, and eating is not one of them. I think it was for some floral bit...

  2. Hi Your desk, with the bag of egg shells,sounds a bit like mine. Although sometimes when I say I know I kept this for some reason I might actually toss it out later. So I must say finding something to do with egg shells is really great.

  3. What a good reason to boil eggs or make frittata! The texture is fab.


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